November Update

The home stretch! For now, at least.

With only a little over one week away from the end of the semester, it's hard to ignore how quickly time has flown by. This semester has been really fulfilling, but I am looking forward to the long break in order to refresh and re-energize my focus. We've learned so much material since August, and I can't believe we're (almost) 50% of the way to completing our degree. 

I went back and re-read my first blog post from September to see how, or if, my expectations and perspectives might have changed since then. At the beginning, I wondered how online lectures and the Covid precautions would interfere with my ability to really learn the material. I was mainly concerned with staying focused and distraction-free while at home instead of in a classroom. Thankfully, I haven't experienced any major issues or setbacks that I was not able to handle. In addition, I am really happy with my performance in our classes so far (even though I've fallen victim to second-guessing myself and changing an answer from right to wrong a couple of times....). I am very hopeful for next semester and I'm excited for the new courses we'll be taking. 

Study Tip #1:
For any current or future students reading this, I've noticed that printing out the Pharmwiki independent studies and highlighting the important points as I read has dramatically helped me absorb the material. I don't think it's necessary to print every note or PowerPoint available to understand the concepts, but I highly recommend studying with a physical copy of the Pharmwiki materials (and then recycling them after the exam😁).

I haven't been able to volunteer much this month, but I do have plans to volunteer at Second Harvest more over the break.

I got the chance to volunteer at Glass Half Full for the first time this month. I'm a really avid recycler and my classmate Amanda was the one who told me about this glass recycling drop-off center located Uptown. I broke down a lot of cardboard and paper bags. My hands hurt, but I'm sure I'll be back!**

Service hours in November: 4 hours, 50 minutes**
Total service hours: 17 hours**

**Edited 11/24


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